Episode 25: IWB- Making it work

interactive-whiteboard-332239_1280Welcome to Week 11 (wow!) of EDC3100. A focus of this weeks’ learning has been operating (which often means fixing) ICTs, with the example of Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) being used throughout (as this is something that is 1. Available in MOST classrooms and 2. Often not used or not used well). Through this learning I have realised that it would be quite beneficial for me to find out the make and model of the IWB that will be available to me on Prac and find out as much as I can about it. This may include how it works, how it is setup and specialised software that has been designed for its use. A resource that was shared through this week’s learning path that provides a range of useful tips and ideas for using IWBs in the classroom is a Google presentation called ‘Interactive board Uses Tip and Tricks’ and can be accessed ‘here’.

Lucy J

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