Episode 21: Review of Week 9

girl-1186897_1920.jpgThe best way to explain how I feel about my experience of this week, is that this post should actually be a ‘Review of Week 10’. Why is it not you may ask? Please refer to Episode 19 for more information. One benefit of the networks we have had to setup as part of this course is that they let you know that you’re are not alone. A blog by KristenSmith1, ‘Feeling so far behind’ has reassured me that I am not the only one who has a bit of catching up to do. As promised in an earlier post, another ICT resource that I discovered whilst completing Assignment 2 is a set of online, interactive activities produced by Scholastic called ‘StudyJams’. Each StudyJam is focussed on a particular topic from either Mathematics or Science and contains either a video or game and a short quiz. I think they are a high quality resource that allow students to develop their understanding of various concepts.

Until next time


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