Episode 15: Review of Week 7

heavy-934552_1280Another week down! Another week closer to Prac. This week Prac has started to become more of a reality as I have made contact with the school where I have been fortunate enough to have been placed and the mentor that will have to put up with being followed around by me. Work wise this week has got be reconsidering my choice of learning area for my assignment two unit plan. I am starting to think choosing a different learning area (other than Mathematics) may be more beneficial to use as a future resource. I am interested in considering how ICTs may be used to amplify and transform learning in Science, History or maybe even English. I remember learning in another course about a resource run my a museum which allows classes to take a remote tour of some history artefacts using a robot. This resource is called Robot Tours and more information about it, including links to book it, can be accessed here. Something I have been grateful for this week is the opportunity to gain ideas (to be altered to suit my needs and context) for Assignment 2 from other people’s blogs. One I have visited this week is ‘wilsonj2016’.
Until next week

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