Episode 9: Review of Week Three

imageSo I have reached the end of another week (in that I’ve finished the work required for this week of this course, I am fully aware that Tuesday is not the end of the week). As I promised earlier in the week (in Episode 6 I think), I am going to explain why I had not finished all of the work from Week 2. Basically I completed the learning path on the Monday morning of that week, complete with ticks for all activities. When I went back and looked at that same learning path this past Monday, new activities had been added! Activities that I had not completed and therefore had no ticks! I don’t know when these activities were added or where they came from (not exactly true, I assume they came from the course administration team), but I have now completed them. I will also be making sure to double check my ‘ticks’ at the end of each week. So that was the negative of the week, the positive was the discovery of an awesome new set of online resources. Splash, a site that is run by the ABC, contains a plethora of games, videos, articles and lesson plans that teachers can use. I highly recommend checking it out. My favourite fellow EDC3100 student blog of the week is…(drum roll please)…Denise Bayliss. I can relate to a lot of the things that Denise says in her blog and thoroughly enjoy reading through it.
Until next week
Lucy 🙂

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