Episode 7: Resources of-courses

books-1204038_1280Upon clearing out some of the files on my laptop in an effort to hopefully make it run a bit faster (a regular practice when you have a six year old laptop), I rediscovered a collection of ‘bookmarked’ websites that link to resources that could be used for teaching. Although I have not added to this collection for approximately six months, I do remember adding to it when designing lessons for ‘prac’ (practical experience) and/or when resources where recommended during my study of previous subjects. One resource that I added to the collection when I was on ‘prac’ in a Year 3 classroom was a game called ‘Australian Money Game-Loose Change‘. As the students were participating in a unit about money in mathematics, this game was used to help students practice what they had been learning. At the time I thought (and still do think) it was good resource for two reasons. 1- It uses Australian currency (most of the money-related games on the internet use either US or UK currency). 2- it has different levels that cater for different ability levels. The moral of this story? Remember to continue to add to your collection of resources.

Lucy 🙂

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