Episode 6:iPads and Apps

ipad-605420_1280Ahoy and welcome to Week 3 of EDC3100! For me this week has commenced with the realisation that I had not finished all of the work from Week 2 (*bangs head against computer). Not a great start to the week, but I will elaborate more on the reasons behind this in my weekly review (to be continued in Episode 8). Therefore what I have to talk to you about today is not EDC3100 related. It is however ICT AND education related, so both boxes will be ‘ticked’. For one of the other subjects (courses) I am completing this semester (EDX3270 Literacies Education) I have to write a critical analytical essay on the topic: ‘How ICTs can support literacies learning in the primary school context’. In my literature review (more commonly referred to as ‘research’) for this essay I have come across an intriguing ICT resource for education. Nearpod is an app (-lication) that can be used in education to: design interactive multimedia lessons (or download an existing one), share those lessons with students and control their activities in real time, allow students to submit responses through any mobile device and monitor/measure student results. I think this application could be used to create a very engaging and effective lesson, especially with the use of iPads.

Thanks again for reading


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