Episode 4: Why use ICT in education?

imageOver the first two weeks of the course, we have been asked to think about, explore and gather answers to the question: why use ICT in education? My response to this question is displayed in the following image (click on the image to view an enlargeable version):Why-use-ICT-in-education_53v6avmi.jpg

This response is based on my initial thoughts about the question and ideas that have been presented in the course and its adjoining pages (i.e. links to other online resources). It is important to note that this is just a brief overview of some of the reasons why ICT should be used in education and could (and hopefully will as the semester progresses) be greatly expanded on.

I would also like to highly recommend ‘bubble.us’. This is the online resource I used to create the above mind map. It is a high quality resource that is very easy to use and manipulate to meet your needs.



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